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The World of Recruiting: Myth vs. Fact

The world of recruiting is a complex one. The industry is clouded by recruiting myths and inaccuracies, which affect employers, professionals and recruiters themselves.  

Don’t let the misconceptions stop you from working with a recruiter or beginning a rewarding career in recruiting. After all, they’re just myths that are easily dispelled. Here are four common recruiting myths that we hear, and the realities that prove them wrong. 

Myth: Recruiters aren’t necessary. All jobs are online anyway. 

Because of the proliferation of job sites and social media, such as Indeed and LinkedIn, many believe that all available jobs exist only on the web. That couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Fact: Although the percentage of jobs varies, the “Hidden Job Market” features positions that are never publicized/posted online. 

Because recruiters exclusively handle so many jobs, they are vital to the organizations and professionals involved with each search. The difference between a prolonged opening, which can be extremely detrimental to a business, and filling a position quickly is often a recruiter and their ability to effectively find talent. 

Myth: The recruiting industry is dying. 

If the pandemic and post-pandemic hiring market has taught us anything, it’s that recruiters are still wildly beneficial for both candidates and employers. Whether we’re in a heavily candidate-driven hiring market, as we saw throughout the first portion of 2022, or in a market driven by employers, recruiters play a vital role in connecting professionals and organizations. 

Fact: Over the last five years, the recruiting industry has grown by roughly 5.3 percent each year. 

As the hiring market and economy continue to evolve, a continued need for recruiters will exist. Although we can’t ensure a five percent increase in market size each year, the numbers show that growth is still very much on the horizon. 

Myth: Recruiters don’t have much support. 

We can’t speak for other recruiting organizations, but we can speak for our team. At ZSG, our recruiters receive the support they need to aid our clients effectively. Our team has access to a substantial network and the latest recruiting technologies and resources. Our leadership team provides mentorship to each new hire to ensure their success. 

Fact: Recruiters at ZSG experience full support from our team at every level. 

Myth: Recruiters don’t care about candidates. 

There are a few bad recruiters who are guilty of ghosting and that drives a bad reputation for recruiters in general. However, that’s nowhere near representative of the whole industry. 

Although the recruiter is paid by the employer, recruiters still care greatly about the candidates they work with. Obviously, candidates are needed for a recruiter to be successful, but it’s about so much more than necessity. 

Fact: “Uncaring” recruiters aren’t representative of the entire industry, and recruiters often provide candidates with job opportunities they didn’t know they had. 

Candidates who work with recruiters do so because the recruiter is able to offer them a better career or work situation. From the ability to find unpublished jobs to working with you to achieve your career goals, recruiters really are on your side. Establishing trust and communication between the recruiter, the client and candidates is extremely important to building long-term relationships and meeting consequential goals. 

One of the most rewarding things we experience is helping professionals find their next career and establish themselves in a new role. We’re at our most fulfilled knowing we’ve helped someone continue to grow and thrive throughout their career. 

Don’t let recruiting myths stop you from enjoying a successful career in recruiting. Recruiting is a rewarding career, and, at ZSG, we ensure our team is taken care of. Reach out and review our open positions to learn more.